Monday, September 12, 2016

Feeling Japanese

Yes, that's right! There is a new Japanese feeling this time for you which is "Kyoto", one of the songs that I made for the album Ultra Space. Even if you think it was made very throughly I have to confess that I didn't prepare it that much. It was the result of a guitar improvisation and for the rest of the tracks I just added some organ sounds, shamisen like sounds and synth-leads that made the sounds that you can hear in the background.

It is interesting that it all came up just with some guitar stuff I came up with because I like the idea of preparing songs at least until a certain degree (however there are times in which I do it very improvized anyhow).

Kyoto was a song that I made in a normal working day and I sure liked the final results as other people have liked so far.

Hopefully the project will keep growing and I am really excited about the continuation of this musical project which is not only for me but for you and of course for God's glory. I am glad that we can all enjoy these songs I am making and of course I will leave you here the song itself so you can enjoy it!

For those of you who are curious, I have been learning Japanese for about 3 years and the influence of this country in my life is also a good think that I want to add as an influence to my music. I enjoy the japanese music feeling, the organization culture and entrepreneurship that they have in such a united way.

Some people may ask: Do you like anime? Actually I do like just a little bit, not as much as I do like video games but it is better for me to talk about just some of them because I really don't know that much about the topic.

I used to like Pokemon a lot and the reason is actually because of the games, mainly. Still I am more of a gamer and definitely will enjoy games broadly!

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